Factors To You Consider When Shopping For a Dab Rig?

 Suppose you're looking to enhance your smoking experience. Dabbing offers a tasty and potent option. But before you get started, you’ll need to purchase a few items for your stoner kit. Namely, a durable dab rig that fits your needs and lifestyle. There's a lot to consider between artful handblown glass pieces and high-tech electric rigs. Not to worry, with this guide, you’ll have everything you need to make a smart dab rig purchase.

The Basics

Before choosing a piece, you’ll need to understand all the moving parts in a rig. While different models feature various designs and accessories, all dab rigs have two main pieces. The main body comes in silicon or glass varieties and is made up of a main down stem, chamber, percolator, and mouthpiece.

Dab Rig

The nail is another essential piece, holding the concentrate until heated to vaporization. Nails come in different materials and sizes, but it's critical to choose a durable piece capable of enduring extreme temperatures over time.


Finding a dab rig that reflects your personality and lifestyle is just as important as choosing a model with adequate features. A durable mini-dab rig offers portability and style if you prefer smoking outside or on the go.
Dab Rig
Or, perhaps you want to avoid handling a hefty torch, in which case a high-tech electric rig is a perfect match. Don’t discount artful handblown dab rigs that you can take pride in during smoke sessions or just display as unique home decor.


It might be tempting to purchase an oversized rig, but in truth, a mini dab rig offers more pure and potent hits. Dabbing requires only a tiny amount of concentrate, so you don’t need a big nail for sufficient smoking. Short stems and small chambers optimize vapor temperature and prevent smoke from diluting. If you need more reason to purchase a modest piece, think of how easy storing and carrying your rig will be for those on-the-go smoking sessions.


Proper filtration is arguably the most essential feature to consider when buying a rig. Good filtration protects your lungs from harsh smoke and enhances concentrate flavor. However, an efficient dab rig should balance filtration with simplicity. The more intricate the filtration is, the harder time you will have cleaning the piece. Avoid rigs with percolations like matrix or barrel percs, and instead, reach with straightforward filtration features.

Mouthpiece Size

Much like the overall size of the rig, a tiny mouthpiece is more than enough to offer an efficient hit. When the concentrate is vaporized on a heated nail, you can take several small hits at once.

Dab Rig

A smaller mouthpiece prevents smoke from escaping between inhales and ensures each hit is just as potent as the one before.


When it comes time to dip your toes into the realm of dabbing, you want to find the right rig to lead you through. Consider a small piece with a modest mouthpiece to optimize the vaporization process. Filtration is another essential factor to consider, but make sure to pick a rig with the right balance of efficiency and directness. Once you’ve purchased the proper rig for you, it’s time to enjoy the purity of cannabis through the magic of dabbing.

Originally published at: Gadgetgram


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