Moksha Beam – Anti-Anxiety Necklace & Whistle for Stress-Relief

Nowadays, many people find themselves dealing with stress and anxiety at some point in their life. While every person has a different way to deal with stress, everyone experiences stress to some degree. Stress is typically caused by an external trigger that makes you feel frustrated or nervous, such as a work deadline, a fight with a loved one, or even suffering from a chronic illness (like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, etc.). Anxiety, on the other hand, is a feeling of fear, worry, or unease which can be caused by stress triggers such as persistent, excessive worries that don’t go away, but it can also happen without any obvious trigger. While both stress and anxiety can cause symptoms like insomnia, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, muscle tension, and irritability, the development of an anxiety disorder can potentially lead to social isolation and clinical depression. Nevertheless, performing deep breathing exercises can be extremely helpful to reduce stress and anxiety in our body, and is also quite beneficial to our health and overall well-being in many ways, as doing so can also bring physical, mental, and emotional benefits to our body and mind, such as improving the efficiency of our lungs and teaching us how to better deal with stress daily. For performing deep breathing exercises to control and reduce stress and anxiety, using a simple solution like the Moksha Beam can be extremely effective.

The Moksha Beam is an anti-anxiety necklace and whistle that's optimized to help users perform deep breathing exercises in order to slow down their heart rate, which consequently helps to reduce anxiety and relief stress, and also helps to balance energy levels, which features a split-path airflow design that assists mindfulness breathing and helps with breathing techniques, plus over 1000 guided breathing exercises via the Moksha Breathing App.


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